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#79 Mitch White, NFL Tampa Bay Buccaneers
My name is Mitch White and I am a retired professional football player. I played for 5 seasons in the NFL with the New Orleans Saints, Green Bay Packers and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The very last play that I played in the NFL was unfortunately the play that changed my life. I sustained a severe concussion and tore my long thoracic nerve in my neck, and my life has never been the same. As I entered this insane world of modern day medicine, I began to see how modern day medicine does not fix the problem. After tirelessly searching far and wide, while spending tons of money on various therapies and treatments, I heard about this therapist named Steven through a close friend, and from all of my research about him, I believed he was actually healing people and fixing their bodies through his very unique practices.
One thing that I had consistently pursued was massage therapy, but I just could not find a therapist that was capable of helping my body heal, while not doing too much, which would always make me feel worse. So I bounced around from therapist to therapist and then something amazing happened. I made my first appointment with Steven. After my first session with Steven, I knew I had found something profoundly special. If there is one thing that has actually worked and given me a noticeable improvement in my body, not only in my self but in the way I interact with other people and most drastically with my wife and children, it would be sessions with Steven. Thank you, Steven, for putting me on the road to having my life back.

Gary “Fingers” Fineske, 5 Seasons Dallas Burn Soccer (now FC Dallas)
Steven Valenzuela is the therapist that I go to when I’m injured, need realignment or need to confer about a player or client with a certain injury. He has been very instrumental in my success as the Sports Massage Therapist for the Dallas Mavericks for the past 14 seasons and the 7 years that I worked on the Ironman competitors in Louisville, Kentucky. It is his logical techniques and procedures that I have used all 14 seasons to not only help players with muscular soreness and injury but to also help to re-educate their minds and bodies and enhance their speedy recovery to competition.
Honestly wish that I would have had this knowledge from Steven when I worked on the WorldCup referees in 1996 and the 5 seasons I worked with the Dallas Burn soccer (now FC Dallas).
Therapeutic Sports Massage Therapist
14 Seasons Dallas Mavericks
5 Seasons Dallas Burn Soccer (now FC Dallas)
1996 Dallas Massage Therapist to WorldCup Referees

Matt Jones, Fitness & Military Professional
I have been going to Steven for the past three years for back and hip pain. My career is in fitness and the military that involves extremely strenuous workouts multiples times a day that leaves my back and body in noticeable pain. Before I found Steven I tried dozens of chiropractors who would spend a total of five minutes on me. With a couple pops to the back and no noticeable time invested to help/fix my problem I was extremely unhappy with the results. Steven Spends a solid hour on your body making sure you can move again pain-free. He is the first chiropractor/physical therapist that spends time (fixing) the problem and getting to the immediate issue by spending quality time assessing and correcting the malfunction.
Personally, if I did not train every day multiple times a day he would fix me permanently. However, I am destroying my body for my job and the only thing that keeps me injury free and moving is Steven’s work. Aside from his work, Steven is an extremely nice guy and greatly cares about the betterment of his patients mentally and physically. Makes for great conversations and painless back joints upon leaving his office. I highly recommend Steven with the highest regards. Instead of hardly being able to sit down and tie my shoes due to extreme back and hip pain. I can move freely and train harder to accomplish my goals in life.
Summer after senior year I went on a trip to Japan as a student ambassador. While on the trip I jumped off of a 6-foot stage and landed weird. I didn’t feel pain in my back like one should when they break their back, so I didn’t think anything of it. But after I got home the pain got significantly worse so I went to see a doctor. The X-rays were suggestive but not conclusive that I had a fractured vertebra or two so I was sent to get a MRI. The MRI didn’t show a fracture but the doctors and my PT were almost certain that it was a small fracture due to the pain and muscle spasms that I was having. I went through PT, and various other treatments to try and get the pain to subside and my muscles to relax enough to be able to fix and strengthen my spin again. From chiropractors to acupuncture nothing was really working and I was getting really frustrated and discouraged. You don’t realize how much you use something until it’s no longer functional. I took a break from seeing medical doctors and just dealt with the pain. Then after running into a few people, Steven’s name came up and they suggested I go see him. I went in with a severe curve in my spine and very tender muscles and after that visit, I left with no curve in my spine and my muscles had relaxed. The way Steven works with the body is amazing. It’s not your typical massage therapy and he takes his time to get to know you and what you really need. He has a healing touch that is most definitely a gift from God!
Steven is a dedicated and experienced therapist who cares about people and wants them to know they don’t have to live with pain. His gentle and effective treatment has eliminated persistent pain and numbness in my leg and foot. An added bonus is that I no longer have to wear a lift in my shoe to help eliminate some of that pain. Something I thought I would use the rest of my life. His knowledge and skill have surpassed my expectations. I highly recommend him to everyone, especially those who have tried other methods and given up.
Steve has shown great interest in helping others feel better and have a more productive life. Steven has helped me overcome severe sciatic pain in my left leg after suffering for 3 mos, my doctor suggested that I have a cortizone shot at a spinal office, I didn’t want to mask the pain I wanted to go to the source of the matter, I was referred to Steven by a colleague, it was the best referral I’d ever recieved. I’ve been pain free for several weeks and at this point, I’m trying to remember when I had the pain last, it is completely gone with only 3 visits. Steven my life has changed to where I’m telling everybody I know about you a young man who knows his craft and understands the body and how it works. My hat is off to you Steven thank you so very much may God continue to bless you and your beautiful family that you take such good care of.
Thank you so much for the work you have done on my hips and pelvis. Thanks to you I no longer need to use a pillow under my legs when lying down. I am so much more comfortable on my back that I can actually sleep that way and I no longer struggle to turn over. My improved hip flexibility is also helping my yoga practice and I’m exploring poses that were previously uncomfortable. I would strongly recommend your services to anyone interested in releasing tension, adding flexibility and exploring new possibilities.
Our Testimonial to Steven:
Both my husband and I sometimes make very good and wise decisions and taking the advice of our good friend and making an appointment with Steven was one of those very smart decisions. From the minute we entered his treatment room, we felt that we made the right decision.
Fred and I had been in a very bad automobile accident several years ago and had been thru Physical Therapy for 6 months, Fred to be able to walk again and me to regain use of my right arm. I call Physical Therapy “Painful Torture” so to go back into what I perceived as a similar situation was very frightening to me. Steven was very professional yet very kind and he listened, really listened to what we had to say about our pain.
Steven is a quiet but very charismatic man. He has small hands but they are very strong and soon found out that those hands work miracles. We were both impressed by him both physically and psychologically for he worked wonders on our very damaged body parts. In the whole time that we have been going to him, we haven’t had any pain associated with his treatment. He treats us with respect and is cognizant of our feelings of fear and very quietly talks us thru the treatments.
After just one treatment, I walked without a limp and had no pain radiating down my leg. He also worked diligently on my very injuried right arm and neck. I had a migraine at one treatment and when I left it was gone. I was in tears because I suffered from migraines after the accident and was sooo happy to not have any pain from the migraine.
Fred has nerve damage on his one leg with pelvis and hip pain from the accident. His legs would swell badly and I worried about possible lymphodemia. He is now able to walk much better and longer period of time. His legs no longer swell and his nerves in his affected leg have come alive, improving the circulation 100% in the affected leg.
There is no way to thank Steven enough for his success with us other than to spread the good word of his philosophy and dedication to his belief of being able to help his fellow man/woman which he has and will if you only let him.
I am a long time professional musician who had been experiencing hand and joint pain from overuse. Despite exercises, icing after performances, and physical therapy on and off, I figured that this was just the norm for career musicians. I happened to ask my yoga instructor one day to recommend a good masseuse. She told me about Steven and his work with the dancers for “Cats”. I figured that if he could keep those dancers moving, he could perhaps help me out too. I also knew that people who could successfully work with these kinds of performance issues are few and far between. After my first session, my hands were pain free and moving better than they had in years. My “chops” (musical technique) are amazingly improved —-it feels like I have a new pair of hands! Steven also works with me on back, shoulder and neck issues, and has fixed parts of my body that I wasn’t even aware needed fixing. The difference is nothing short of remarkable. I now consider my visits to Steven as a vital part of my health care regime–he is a prize beyond compare, exceptionally gifted in his profession and a great guy!
I have worked in a chiropractic office for 10 years and I know the benefit of chiropractors and massage therapist working together for optimal results. The list of massage therapist that I have seen over the years is long and includes the best of the best! When I first met Steven I felt this was just another massage therapist to add to my list. His assurance that he could help me ran threw my head like an “old familiar song”, but I told myself let’s try “his technique”; it sure couldn’t hurt to see why he claims to be “different” from all the others. It was apparent from the minute I stood up “different” was now my favorite word.
My medical doctor had prescribed medications, ordered scans and MRI images, physical therapy and more drugs. I have chronic scoliosis and had convinced my self that my back pain was something that I would continue to experience. The term “pain management” translated in my head, “Mrs. Nelson, we suggest you learn to live with the pain”.
My chiropractic adjustments were the only thing keeping me going. We all know that a healthy lifestyle includes walking and good nutrition. For some people that is easier said than done! I found that when I would start a walking regiment that it last for about three days before pain set into my lower back! I would tell myself that this was a good excuse to quit! The pain was occurring in what is called the SI-joint. Stretching, walking and exercise would help to relieve the pain. However getting past the pain was impossible for me.
After one session with Steven I stood up and felt no pain. It had been 15 years since I stood up and didn’t feel discomfort or pain in my hips and that was after just one session!! No drugs, no injections and the result was no pain! That was 2 months ago and still no pain. After living with discomfort on a daily basis this is a surprisingly wonderful feeling.
Steven’s technique and experience plus compassion for his clients is a refreshing relief (literally) in today’s health dilemma. I can’t thank him enough. He has given me the greatest gift of all, the gift of health. This gift of health is meant to be shared and it is a pleasure to pass that along.
This is a long overdue thank-you note for the therapeutic massages and stretches. As you know, I came to you approximately 10 months ago as a result of lower back pain, and prior to that, I had been having lower back pain about once every two months. Thanks for your help, I’m well on the way. I can visibly tell that I have much more flexibility. My cardio is better. My upper body strength is better.
Please feel free to have anyone call me who like to have a first-hand report on the pragmatic and practical results that you provide. Among other things, you are a good coach in reminding people the need for balance in their lives, in all areas of their lives.
I met Steven at a Chamber of Commerce Event in Grapevine and he told me what he does. He also told me he was on tour with “Cats” for two years helping them keep dancing. I have had Sciatica Nerve Pain for over 8 years and tried everything to fix it. I did Chiropractic Care, Physical Therapy, and Acupuncture and none of it worked. I had pretty much given up and decided to live with the pain. I decided to give Steven a try. I am very athletic and haven’t been able to run in 3 years. One visit to Steven and my pain has disappeared. It has been over a month now and I am running again! Give Steven a try, he works to fix your whole body. He says when he can get your body in line with the bones, muscles, and joints; your body can perform the way it was intended to.
Steven is a Rock Star in my book!